Use our service to:


Monitor Your Product

Constantly monitor your product for new reviews.  Know when customers or vandals leave a review.

Be Responsive

Setup once and never again.
5-stars copy

Maintain Ranking

Protect your reputation and respond to customers in real time.  By responding quickly, you maintain your products ranking.

Our Service


Do you know what your customers are saying on Amazon?

amazon product reviews alertDon’t be surprised by customer reviews.  Get e-mail alerts as soon as your book or product gets new reviews.

We monitor your product for new reviews and send you an e-mail notification the moment a customer posts a new review.

  • Respond immediately to customer complaints and kudos on Amazon.
  • Maintain your product or books reputation.
  • Keep watch on and report abuse to Amazon and maintain your product or books reputation.

A single bad review of your book on Amazon can sink your sales.

Don’t be caught off guard:  get notifications of new reviews as they happen.


Our product is in limited release.  Contact us to below to monitor your book or product.